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    Create a good workforce and establish a learning organization

    Source: Time:2018-04-13 17:51:57 views:

    In order to improve the quality of employees, meet the company's development and staff development needs, create a good workforce, and establish a learning organization
    In order to improve the quality of employees, meet the company's development and staff development needs, create a good workforce, and establish a learning organization, the company has launched a series of employee training courses. The goal of training is to continuously improve the employees’ knowledge level, work ability and initiative. The waste of labor costs due to the lack of knowledge, ability, and attitude of employees is kept to a minimum, enabling employees to achieve their goals. The company's training system is combined with the career design of employees to promote the common development of the company and individuals. The training policy is a combination of self-training and imparting training, and post training combined with professional training.
    • 0750-7813122
    • 0750-7813283
    • NO.81 YiJing New Village JinTa Road Enping
    • City Guangdong Province
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